Model Document ============== :class:`couchbasekit.document.Document` is the main class you will be extending to define your own model documents. There are 3 attributes must be set within your model: * __bucket_name__ * doc_type * structure and the optional ones are: * __key_field__ * default_values * required_fields __bucket_name__ (required) -------------------------- The name of the couchbase bucket that the new records will be saved into and retrieved back from. This bucket should be already created manually. doc_type (required) -------------------------- The type of the document that will be used in various places and usually lowercase of your model name but not checked or forced. The most important function of ``doc_type`` attribute is to create an auto-field named ``doc_type`` in every document. That means you can use it in your JavaScript views to check which type of documents you want to emit:: function (doc, meta) { if (doc.doc_type=='author') { emit(doc.slug, {first_name: doc.first_name, last_name: doc.last_name}); } } Another function of ``doc_type`` is to prefix your document id, if you're using ``__key_field__`` optional attribute in order to create meaningful document IDs. Its format is; ``{doc_type}_{key_value.lower()}``. If you don't choose to use ``__key_field__`` in your models, ``doc_type`` will not be used to prefix your document IDs either. structure (required) -------------------------- Structure definition dictionary is a wide topic, therefore explained in another section. See :ref:`model-document-structure`. __key_field__ (optional) -------------------------- Key field is kind of simulating primary key feature in relational databases that gives you ability to retrieve a single document by its `key value` without doing a map-reduce in your buckets. It should be set to one of your root field in your structure and **it is your responsibility** to check if a document exist with the same `key value` before over-writing it. Assuming the ``username`` field is the ``__key_field__`` in your structure:: userdata = {'username': u'kirpit', 'is_superuser': True} try: user = User(userdata['username']) except User.DoesNotExist: # good, username is not taken user = User(userdata) else: print 'Sorry, this username is already taken.' If you don't provide a ``__key_field__`` in your structure, first 12 characters of the hash key of your initial document will be used without prefixing with ``doc_type`` attribute. Hashing is done via :mod:`hashlib.sha1`. default_values (optional) -------------------------- As it explains itself, it sets the default values for specified fields before saving a document. Practically, you may assign a static value, a custom field, a model document to relate or any callable that gives a value for it. It does NOT set the document value, if it was already provided (which is not surprising, is it?). Refer to :ref:`quick-start` for an example. required_fields (optional) -------------------------- Another self explanatory attribute that checks if its items was provided at the time of validation. It should be a :func:`tuple` (:func:`list` is ok too) and have all the names of the fields that are required. Refer to :ref:`quick-start` for an example. Bonus: @register_view decorator ------------------------------- You may use this decorator to declare which design view your document instances will be using. This feature is used by :meth:`couchbasekit.document.Document.view` that lets you to query your views:: from couchbasekit import Document, register_view @register_view('dev_books') class Book(Document): __bucket_name__ = 'mybucket' doc_type = 'book' structure = { # snip snip } Then it becomes easier to get your view queries. Please refer to CouchBase views documentation for advanced query options:: >>> by_title = Book().view('by_title').results({ ... 'startkey': 'A', ... 'endkey': 'C', ... 'stale': 'ok', ... 'limit': 1000, ... }) >>> for result in by_title.results: ... print result['id'], result['key'], result['value'] An experimental tool :class:`couchbasekit.viewsync.ViewSync` also uses this decorator to backup/restore your server-side map/reduce functions. .. note:: ``@register_view`` decorator automatically attaches ``'full_set': True`` parameter to your development views by default, so you don't have do it programmatically. To disable it simply use as: ``@register_view('dev_books', full_set=False)``. This feature doesn't affect production views at all.