Source code for couchbasekit.connection

#! /usr/bin/env python

:copyright: Copyright 2013, Roy Enjoy <kirpit *at*>, see AUTHORS.txt.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE.txt for details.
from couchbase import Couchbase

[docs]class Connection(object): """This is the singleton pattern for handling couchbase connections application-wide. Simply set your authentication credentials at the beginning of your application (such as in "") by: >>> from couchbasekit import Connection >>> Connection.auth('theusername', 'p@ssword') or >>> Connection.auth( ... username='theusername', password='p@ssword', ... server='localhost', port='8091', # default already ... ) .. note:: This class is not intended to create instances, so don't try to do: >>> conn = Connection() # wrong or you will get a :exc:`RuntimeWarning`. """ username = None password = None server = None connection = None _buckets = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeWarning('Connection class is not intended to create instances.') @classmethod
[docs] def auth(cls, username, password, server='localhost', port='8091'): """Sets the couchbase connection credentials, globally. :param username: bucket username (or "Administrator" for working with multi buckets). :type username: str :param password: bucket password (or Administrator's password for working with multi buckets). :type password: str :param server: couchbase server to connect, defaults to "localhost". :type server: str :param port: couchbase server port, defaults to "8091". :type port: str :returns: None """ cls.username = username cls.password = password cls.server = ':'.join((server, port)) cls.close()
[docs] def bucket(cls, bucket_name): """Gives the bucket from couchbase server. :param bucket_name: Bucket name to fetch. :type bucket_name: str :returns: couchbase driver's Bucket object. :rtype: :class:`couchbase.client.Bucket` :raises: :exc:`RuntimeError` If the credentials wasn't set. """ if cls.connection is None: if cls.username is None or cls.password is None: raise RuntimeError("CouchBase credentials are not set to connect.") cls.connection = Couchbase(cls.server, cls.username, cls.password) if bucket_name not in cls._buckets: cls._buckets[bucket_name] = cls.connection.bucket(bucket_name) return cls._buckets[bucket_name]
[docs] def close(cls): """Closes the current connection, which would be useful to ensure that no orphan couchbase processes are left. Use it in, for example one of your Django middleware's :meth:`process_response`. .. note:: The class will open a new connection if a bucket is requested even though its connection was closed already. :returns: None """ if cls.connection is not None: try: cls.connection.done() except AttributeError: pass cls._buckets = {} cls.connection = None

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